Archive for October, 2008

from CrashToons:

here’s the latest:

Platypus Rex in Half-Mile High Club
Rex gets some sky-tail… or is it a sky-knuckle-sandwich? Or two?

Bob Ray is the Best of Austin?

Hey!  Lookey me!

Take a peek at the annual “Best of Austin” issue of the Austin Chronicle (on newsstands now!) and you might find Bob Ray among these so called “bests.”

That’s right, check it out folks:

The Austin Chronicle’s Best of Austin:

Best Emergent Filmmaker: Bob Ray
Bob Ray was in the right place at the right time when he started filming some friends starting a Roller Derby league. But it was his tireless efforts, taking his documentary Hell on Wheels to every film festival and skate rink that would have him, that got him and his movie the fame they deserve.

That lovable a-hole Platypus Rex (wait a sec, Rex is a monotreme, so he doesn’t he even have an a-hole, he’s got a cloaca (c-hole?)) ponders the logistics and motivation of vaginal rejuvenation surgery in the hilarious short animated film “Hymenoplasty.”  Be prepared to be deflowered… again.

Friday, October 17, 11:15 p.m. – The Hideout Theater
Sunday, October 19 , 9:30 p.m. – Dobie Theater

SHORTS 13 (trt: 91 min)
– midnight shorts –

Hymenoplasty (USA, 1 Min)
writer / director: Bob Ray
Wait for it… wait for it…

Screening with:

The Sleuth Incident (USA, 12 Min)
writer / director: Jason Kupfer
A bear on a journey.

The Forecast (USA, 6 Min)
writer: Blaise Miller
director: Todd Berger
He’ll let you know what the weather is like.

Asian Cowboy (USA, 16 Min)
writer / director: Dennis Shin
A Texas family living in a trailer has to deal with a little problem: an interdimensional demon.

Supply and Demand (France, 18 Min)
writer / director: Frederic Farrucci
A young man finds purpose in his life as an autopsy assistant, until the day the bodies run out…

The Night the Cookie Crumbled (USA, 5 Min)
director: Travis Henning
Who ate his cookies?

Callalilly (USA, 8 Min)
writer: Christie Kane
director: Stephen Chiodo
In the beautiful yet dark world of the Sisters Kane, where only dolls exist, Callalilly longs to play the piano perfectly.

I Live In The Woods (USA, 4 Min)
writer / director: Max Winston
I. Live. In. The. WOOOOOOOODS!

Kirksdale (USA, 22 Min)
writer / director: Ryan Spindell
Not all is right in the Kirksdale mental asylum…

Friday, October 17, 11:15 p.m. – The Hideout Theater

Sunday, October 19 , 9:30 p.m. – Dobie Theater

The newest CrashToon is an old, dusted-off gem dug up from the crypt:

A psychedelic nightmare scenario erupts as kung fu zombies battle for the brains of a helpless young woman in NIGHT OF THE KUNG FU ZOMBIE BASTARDS FROM HELL! (redux), a surreal stop-action animated, negative-projected, in-camera-edited kung fu zombie flick shot on super 8 negative film.

“Night of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell!” was shot in 1997 for the Austin Cinemaker Co-op’s super 8 in-camera-edited film festival “Attack of the 50 Foot Reel.”  The short existed in its original stop-action animated, negative-projected, in-camera-edited form until 2008 when it was unearthed for the eleven-year anniversary treatment.  Post-production tightening and sound effects were always the intent for “NOTKFZBFH!”  Now, a decade and a year later, post-production is complete and we proudly present “Night of the Kung Fu Zombie Bastards from Hell! (redux).”

Catch zombie fever at

Hell on Wheels DVD out now!!!

Lots of action going on around here at the CrashCam Films global headquarters.  So much so, that I didn’t even have time to harass y’all (again) in advance of the Hell on Wheels DVD release date (Sept 30!).

Well, guess what.  The DVD is out and available NOW!!!

DVDs available from IndiePix! (

Hell on Wheels DVD:

On the two-disk Hell on Wheels DVD we have a TON of extras:

Two Hell on Wheels trailers

Music videos from Nashville Pussy and USS Friendship

41 deleted scenes!!!

Three audio commentary tracks:

– Filmmaker’s track with director Bob Ray and producer Werner Campbell

– BGGW (Lonestar Rollergirls) track with She-E-Os Nancy Haggerty, Anya Jack and April Ritzenthaler and Putas del Fuego captain Sara (Lunatic) Luna

– Texas Rollergirls track with co-founders Lane (Strawberry) Greer, Laurie (The Wrench) Rourke-Korpi, Rachelle (Sparkle Plenty) Moore, and Amy (Electra Blu) Sherman

“Hell on Wheels is an epic doc. It’s fast, fun, and inspiring.”
– Chris Gore (founder, Film Threat Magazine)

“…the kind of twists, drama, cat fights and compound fractures that only happen in real life. …the story is extremely compelling, sometimes laugh-out-loud outrageous and above all inspiring.”
– Ain’t It Cool News

“Hell on Wheels is full of adrenaline-fueled highs, heartbreaking lows,
and lots of chicks in short skirts kicking the shit out of each other.”
– The Onion’s A.V. Club

“Part rock ’em, sock ’em sports doc (cue Trail of Dead) and part behind-the-scenes exposé, the film is blessedly free of A&E-style jiggle and melodramatic pandering, and it makes clear the value of Derby for misfit girls who like to clothesline people. Best of all is the film’s coda, which tracks the subsequent formation of Roller Derby leagues across the U.S. and the globe.”
– The Austin Chronicle

“Hell on Wheels is a killer documentary about the Austin all-women’s roller-derby
leagues that inadvertently launched a worldwide revival of the sport.”
– Salt Lake City Weekly

“Hell on Wheels is a fascinating story and a fun movie.”
– Cinematical

If you want the lowdown on all the Hell on Wheels action, please sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of this web page: